Hi, I'm Will

Font End Developer ·


A gregarious self-taught frontend developer with a voracious appetite for solving problems, learning and self improvement.

With a background in relationship and incident management, I am adept at comunicating with people with various levels of technical ability to resolve issues and collaborate on technical solutions.

What continues to attract me to front end development is the oscillation between a sense of challenge and accomplishment. I enjoy the dogged pursuit of finding a solution.


Random Quote Generator

Generates random quotes that integreates with the Twitter API. Request is made via a JSONP request so as to avoid cross origin error.

The JSONP request is wrapped in a promise to improve response handling.
Local Weather App

Integrates with Google Map API to reverse geocode the visitors location.

Calls a weather API to provide current weather in the form of an animated weather icon.
Wiki Viewer

Dynamically searches and displays summary of Wikipedia pages based on user input.

Utilizes fetch API, taking advantage of Wikipedia’s recent support for CORS. Returned searches are faded in using CSS animations.
TwitchTV App

Coming soon...
Coming soon...
